Last session was held on March 28th. Surprisingly, all players were present and they kept out of unnecessary off-topics. Moreover, players surprised me more than once, so game was a challenge to me. We began with little storytelling, to inform Terentz, what has happened during his long absence and began playing.
Night was harsh for PC's. Even taking under consideration that the were in alien place, far off home, attacked by mysterious creature and barely escaped poisonous green mist, the had slept bad. There was some strange, quiet, yet evil and sinister feeling in the air. Clearly ruins of the old and burned village had bad influence on their dreams and mood. In the morning, heroes observed pillars of smoke rising in to the air.
While Carlin was studying his spellbook and Connal praying to Moradin, Xandos prepared breakfast and Ren decided to scout ahead. After half hour of running, he arrived at top of the cliff, hanging over a fiord. Below he saw a drakkar in the middle of bay. Deeper inside fiord there was a village, apparently raided and burned by the ship's crew. What was most interesting, it was that pirates herded people in corral. Ren headed back and with rest of the group returned to scouting position. After short discussion and options consideration (which included taking the drakkar, burning it or night assault on village), party shifted it's position to path, leading down to the village. After some period of time, something strange happened.
A ball of fire exploded and to people ran up the cliff. Soon a band of Nordmen began chasing them. Heroes moved to the edge of it and Ren ran downside to cover running couple. After short missile fight, which saw Xandos in action, young men and pregnant woman was rescued. Connal invoked Moradin's favour and softened earth in to stream of mud.
Whole company began to running. In the meantime it turned out that young man is Patrick and girl is his new wife. Soon, upon entering open space, party was attacked by Nordmen hunting party. Vicious and fierce fight erupted but in the end hunters were killed. Apparently Odin's favour was not with his priest.
Of the pursuers, only one Nordman was alive. He was given a choice and opted for going with party. His name was Erik and said that his people were gathering sacrifices for gods. They were waging a war against elves in the south. After long walk heroes arrived at forest, where they made a camp. There they tried, if young one was true to his words and it turned out that he was. In the morning party began searching a Storm Oak and it was found near crystal lake.
Before anybody could react, a beautiful woman appeared, certainly nymph. At first she was reluctant to help, but Ren caught her attention. Speaking in sylvan tongue she asked him why he is travelling alongside mere humans and why is he surrendering his fey nature. She said, she would grant him and his companions not one but two gates if only he promises to free his wilder side of spirit. Ren took some time to consideration and finally agreed. Their pact was sealed with the kiss.
Next, the nymph said there are two portals: one in lake one and tree. She does not knew, where they lead. Party agreed to enter the one in tree and soon found themselves in place of green light, birdsongs, full of leaves and branches. Ren scouted ahead and met some wild and fey creatures. whole party descended slowly and finally found themselves in the village lying in the shadow of gigantic tree.
1 comment:
Is hard to expalain why some experienced, high-level wizards, and spellcaster prefer creating portals over using simple teleportation spells. Shaping and stabilizing portal (i mean a portal making permanent) is a tremendous effort, costing money, time and energy. I ma private opinon it a matter of prestige and personal proud rather than real necessity. How other you explain such totally useless portals like the one between west island of Everwest and norther icy wastes of Icewindale, created by famous Carlin the Grey, and proudly marked with his sophisticated wizard mark?
From "Teleportis Universalis - Portals, spells, gates, in two books cleairly describen by Aermus Muchka"
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