Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Chapter Six: Netheril - Session 38 - Pallid Plague part 2 of 3

Connal Ragnirsson - Jarecki
Jarod - Jacek
Ren Howl - Adrian

Avelon, priestess of Waukeen
Cetus - Paweł (absent)

After helping lumberjack, heroes made camp and took watch at night. Nex day the went deeper into forest, looking for source of the plague. It was an strange orchard guarded by fallen druids. They were tending bushes of strange flowers, that were the same, as in bellies of undead bears. Quick and merciless attack killed almost all of gardeners. One last was captured and interviewed. With bile and hatred, he explained that it is too late, messengers with bags full of flowers were not on the way, but in Falcon's Hallow, preparing the town's doom.

Heroes headed immediately back and found town crowded with beggars. The secretly distributed flowers around community, while their base around old, abandoned house near herbalist shop. While Connal gathered forces of Lumberjack Consortium, Ren infiltrated network and found out their base, while Jarod and Cetus set trap. With one, quick strike whole affair was ended: beggars caught, flowers burnt. Going after first hit, heroes headed back to groove and learned from imprisoned druid, that plague was created with Iandrea Stella, buried under river bed.

Heroes immediately went to search for it and found stone basin. It was destroyed with Moradin's power. Ren decided to go into forest to search for fae-queen Syrix. He met her in old groove and informed of happenings. Whole group retreated then to Falcon's Hallow.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Chapter Six: Netheril - Session 37 - Underwater part 2 of 2 and Pallid Plague part 1 of 3

Cetus - Paweł.
Connal Ragnirsson - Jarecki
Jarod - Jacek
Ren Howl - Adrian

Avelon, priestess of Waukeen
Bracket, captain of Road Wardens from Valley of Darkening Moon

After disposing a giant shark, heroes were approached by eight ameba-like, shapeless underwater entities, aboleths. Connal took upon his shoulders a burden of discussing with them and learned they were fearing the Kraken. Heroes agreed to investigate beast's case, if army stops siege. Abloeths agreed and promised to support them with their troops. The same was with sea elves and soon an extraordinary army moved on. After two weeks f travel, group reached a barren area of sea bed, where a huge pit was centered. Inside of it lived a terrifying monsters of depths... or didn't they? It was obvious, while some giant octopuses and squids dwelt there, no monstrous Kraken was present. Was it's existence another Carlin's lie?

Heroes returned to Coral and made report and than left for surface. They set course to Siriana, where the wanted to gather information about arcanists, flying cities and general whereabouts. During stay in port, they were approached by an elder man named Bracket, who was retired Road Warden. He was troubled with messages from friend of his, a sylvan queen Syntira of Darkmoon Valley. Her subjects were dying of strange plague, as well as many woodcutters too. Symptoms were similar to those of Isandrea Stella. It was created by dryad that wanted get rid of humans and Lumberjack consortium, but she disappeared long ago.

Heroes set out and after one day of travel along well-lighted roads, they arrived at Falcon's Hollow, small town, that was center of human's operations. Soon characters found that for some time sick lumberjacks were coming to town, to achieve curing and problems were centered deep in woods. One of the camps were under almost constant siege by wood creatures and so heroes moved to it. Journey took a full day and by the evening, after braving woods, valleys and streams, heroes arrived at their destination. The found lumberjacks fighting for their lives and loosing.

Heroes quickly joined the fray, moving against strange half-animal and half-plant creatures. They were of size and shape bear, entangled with thorns and stuffed-up with colorful, bright flowers. Combat wasn't to tough for heres but of all lumberjacks, only two survived. Finally, heroes defeated creatures and were able to help survivors...

Friday, 1 October 2010

Chapter Six: Netheril - Session 36 - Underwater part 1

Cetus - Paweł.
Connal Ragnirsson - Jarecki
Jarod - Jacek
Ren Howl - Adrian

Avelon, priestess of Waukeen
Pearl - queen of sea elves
Art - elder of Falcon's Hollow

Heres stepped into a portal and found themselves in large gallery under pulsing blue roof. Surrounding them were objects of art, armors, magical artifacts. Below gallery there was a throne room and group of creatures, discussing with a strong agitation. Connal cast tongues spell and quickly understood that those were sea elves and their city was besieged by an evil army. Heroes introduced themselves and to their surprise were not only recognized but fully expected.

It turned out that Cetus, Avelon and Gorma, who entered portal first, arrived about six months earlier. but with them came a Grey Shadow, a malicious, petty and evil spirit. He was residing inside Gorma's stuff, which she made of one of "Sky Mill's" branches. He accused three of treachery, doublecrossing and stealing his fabulous magical powers. Moreover, that apparition, escaped and connected with it's former self, a fully living wizard of high ambition and low skills. 
Carlin the Grey.
He escaped a city, abducting Cetus, Avelon and Gorma. Few weeks later a huge army of sharks, octopuses, sahuagin and other evil sea creatures attacked Correal. Obviously Carlin's intention was clear: to destroy portal, before Connal, Ren and Jarod arrive and put his intrigue down.

Chief guardian asked heroes to escort Pearl to safe hideout, while he and warriors will reclaim city. while doing so, PC's had to enter a maze of corridors, praying for air. Finally they entered a blue cave of water, where queen was waiting for them. As the voiced will to help elves and find their companions, she offered them a underwater apparatus, capable of crossing depths and lengths.

Heroes decided to act. They flew (or swam?) over fighting armies and scouted a mountain range and found a tunnel, leading to huge cave, where host of sahuagin was stationed. Short fight erupted and they ere chased by giant octopus, but they learned of teleportation circle inside of structure. The withraw an attack to find friends and tier whereabouts first. Submarine emerged from water and was greeted by storm. Sending was send to Cetus, who answered that he and Avelon are on shore in town of Siriana, well and happy. 

Next day party, at evening  reconciled and heroes learned that in fact it was their former companion, who turned out to be traitor. He was accusing them of throwing him at illithid's mercy, of stealing his power, treachery, lack of respect and many other. He was ranting without stop or sense, but Avelon was able to fool him, she's priestess of evil goddess and they should join forces. It was matter of small intrigue and she and Cetus' escaped. Where Carlin and Gorma went, the knew nothing.

With that, heroes decide they have to repair damages the were responsible for and look for Carlin to prevent him from wreaking more havoc and of course to search for Iolaum. First they returned to city and found that eves reclaimed city. It was speculated, that invading army was lured into attack by Carlin's machinations and heres decided to enter a Maw, a cave they previously discovered, to find horde's masters and persuaded them to step back. 

Their ship swam through tunnel and heroes dropped one by one on teleportation circle. Ren was first. He was greeted by darkness, that lightstone barely shine but something was at him! He darted to escape but huge, monstrous creature was relentless in pursuit. while rest of heroes emerged bringing more and  more light, it was clear that they were facing a giant, primordial shark of unsatisfiable appetite. After a bloody and frenzy fight beast was slain and we ended session.

Behind the screen
- We decided to abandon Pathfinder Beta and switch to final release.
- Paweł was unfortunately absent.
- There were advances: Jarod and Ren

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Chapter Five: Vilhoon Reach - Session 35 - Madness part 2

By readers demand I'ill specify player's characters and notable NPCs.

Cetus - Paweł.
Connal Ragnirsson - Jarecki
Jarod - Jacek
Ren Howl - Adrian

Avelon, priestess of Waukeen
Gorma, a wizard
Prince Oreom - doge of Ceddarspoke
Princes Aujil - dogess of Ceddarspoke
The Friend - leader of one of thieves guild
Sephiron - a fallen deva

We picked session up, where it was left.
After defeating a fallen deva, Sephiron, heroes searched platform. Only thing worth was a throne of gold, inscribed with angel's glory and deeds. There were no mention of his falling. While heroes were searching, from below a crowd of fanatics began climbing. When they reached platform, immediately attacked. Some of invaders were cut to pieces by Blade Barrier, other were blasted with Cetus' Fireball. Only survivor was Grey Monk priest, who began incantation, but has fallen out of ladder. To Connal's and Cetus' terror he was invoking name of Black Lord, dead god Bane!

Heroes decided it is time to move out. They teleported on the roof of nearby building and looked for suitable place. After short search they settled in abandoned palace. Knowing, that Hammer of Disruption can be easily located, the decided not to return to guild's safe house. Instead Jarod was sent with a message. thieves promised to pass a word to the Friend.

At midnight The Friend appeared in palace with entourage of sneakers and assassins. She briefly discussed matters of concern and said, she'll be in touch. Guilds were becoming upset with situation and future of Ceddarspoke, as it was threatening their profits and perhaps, existence.

Next day Jarod was sent to scout out the Black tower. He was having some troubles with overseer, but dispatched him quickly, yet painfully. Sneaking to the Black Tower basement, he discovered prison and dungeon under it. Way was blocked by suspicious wall, so he turned back, to bring rest of PC's.

After sneaking through Grand Square and entering dungeon, party traveled through lone corridor. It was abandoned, but Jarod found out, that someone was secretly entering underground complex. At the end of tunnel was a lonely cell, closed with iron doors. Inside of it laid body of man and was kept woman, pregnant and starving. Recognizing pair of ruling princes, heroes snatched Oreom's body and Aujil and teleported to "Sky Mill". Jarod and Ren traveled by ordinary means and felt observed.

On board Connal healed Aujil and resurrected Oreom. to his surprise doge spirit was closer than one could think. From words that slipped out of doge lips, it was clear that while in prison cell, he was poisoned by his wife. when rescued were put to sleep, Sephiron reappeared to reclaim his Hammer of Disruption. At first he gained advantage in combat, stunning Connal, but was overcomed by Ren and used his plane shift ability to escape one more time.

Heroes agreed to help doge Oreom. the traveled to hidden cache of riches and nearby city to hire a mercenary army. Than they came back to Ceddarspoke to find it disturbingly quite and serene. It quickly turned out, that carnival of madness is over, as Grey Monks were put to death at hands of allied guilds.

During next weeks Oreom and Aujil regained power in city. doge kept his word and revealed location, where portal to Netheril could be. Heroes traveled there and found volcano calm and inactive. Descending deep into maze caverns they found temperature rising. At the center of dungeon were room filled with great fire and inscriptions of devotion to Kossuth. Cetus assumed form of fire elemental, but was damaged by heat. After long preparations and casting many protective spells, heroes entered chamber and went through portal...

Behind the Screen
Jarod advanced to 12 level of experience.
Some differences between Pathfinder Beta and final version were visible, so we decided to check, if we like to switch to it.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Chapter Five: Vilhoon Reach - Session 34 - Madness part 1

After healing Andru and regrouping, heroes lifted "Sky Mill" and traveled to city of Cedarspoke in which the hoped to find clues concerning time gate to Netheril. Journey was short and pleasant and soon ship anchored at bay. And the troubles began. Viewed from sea, city appeared to celebrate something. Fireworks flashed, sound of horns, trumpets and music was carried by the wind. Just as ship dropped anchor, a sickly yellow and green mist arose and engulfed part of pier and ship. It was poisonous and deadly, instantly killing Gorma and sickening Jarod, Connal and Ren. Cetus quickly raised ship, high above rolling vapor. Navitas reported that above city hovered a few invisible creatures. moreover, Cedarspoke was surrounded by seven camps, obviously laying siege.

Connal tried to revive Gorma but "Breath of Life" was cast too late, so the "Raise Dead" spell was needed. Soon ship was attacked by flying patrol of soldiers on griffons, who tried to cast ship out of sky. Attackers were quickly disposed with devastating use of "Blade Barrier" spell. Heroes decided to stay out of sight and scout in search of what is going on. Jarod was sent on spy mission and learned that Grand Alliance besieged city and kept in in closing for three months. There was a "madness" there and soldiers were committed to keep it within walls. Heroes decided to look through maps and talk with one of commanders, so next night Jarod was sent once again to scout ahead but was caught. Only quick action and cooperation between PC's achieved via "Telepathic Link" allowed them to sneak friend out and save him from death.

Next day, after message sent by Connal, heroes met Vespera diNerio, commander of mercenary army and his entourage. After polite conversation in shadow of abandoned lighthouse, they learned Cedarspoke rules Oreom and Aijul were overthrown by rebellious cult of Grey monks, who spread word of Black Lord's coming and ultimate night under his tyranny. Their preachings and teachings sent whole city in doom-awaitng madness. As long as armies were stationed, unending carnival of debauchery, depravation and decadence was held. Nobody paid attention to armies besieging city. Citizens played, danced, wasted resources in expectation of world's end. In the meantime rulers of Grand alliance were arguing  over whose army will enter city as first one.

Heroes decided to enter the city and look for it's rulers, as Oreom was a wizard of sorts and it was possible, he will know something about gate. That same day "Sky Mill" once again entered harbor. As warned heroes were greeted with sights of maddening carnival. Crazy people were running around, flagellants roamed streets preaching incoming doom and mutilated themselves, in backyards and back alleys orgy after another had place. In one of courtyards steps lead to a steel blade and religiously maddened people thrown themselves to by cut apart. After searching city, heroes found an oasis of peace and reason in form of thieves guild. The greeted them under their roof and invited to stay. That night their masked leader appeared. Called "The Friend" she offered a deal: in exchange of dispatching of an angel, thieves will lead heroes to prison, where Oreom and his wive Aijul were kept. After signing deal, next morning, heroes went to the Black Tower, that was still build in the main piazza of the city. Construction was raised around old palace of rulers and it was said to contain an invisible platform, where Guardian was enthroned. After climbing ladders and steps of construction site, heroes reached it and confronted fallen angel. Fight was tough, as outsider proved to be worthy opponent but eventually heroes were able to overcome it but, he suddenly disappeared. During fight Ren took angel's magical hammer and gave it to Connal, so heres are able to trace it.

But fight is not over...

Behind the screen
- As usual, adventure went in surprising direction. I assumed heroes will defeat deva but combat went into different direction. similar, I have not planned episode with Jarod's imprisonment and rescue. Actual course of next adventure will be based on that, what characters will do and how they respond to situation.

- There are two easter eggs in adventure and this very report, I wonder if somebody will find them?

- I see players create tactics of utilization their powers, spells, so to challenge them I will do the same with monsters :)

- I bought Pathfinder Bestiary and rulebook and were given GM Screen! Every item is very useful!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Chapter Four: The Sword Coast - Session 33 - Good news from the Sword Coast - part 4

It's been a while since I ran last session, but some personal and professional issues were keeping me from updating blog. Next meeting is planned on August, 7th due to holidays and guys' vacation plans.

Session began with PC's plans on topic, how to depose body. The key factor was how to do it, without alerting high-ranking officials. If the become aware of situation, especially changes in books text, minor librarians would face sever consequences. As always, Bag of Holding came handy and heroes smuggled body out. Young clerks assured they are able to "repair" books. With their help and extensive as well as very fast and productive library search, heroes learned that book "My year of life in Netheril" was written by geographer and cartographer, Andru the Wizard. He was one of many wizards but at some point was able to gather vast hoard of treasure and settled on his own private island.

Meanwhile librarians contacted heroes with Cetus, a sage, researcher and wizard of much renown among academicians, who was looking for company to travel far away from Candlekeep. He proved to be valuable party member and wise person, what came evidently when researching information on Time Gates to Netheril, conditions concerning travel back in time or material components required for casting Time Conduit spell.
All in all, it became obvious, that Andru's island is first step of research, as it was relatively close to Candlekeep.

"Sky Mill" climbed up in air and flew north. Meanwhile heroes dropped body of Cyric's emissary to sea. Two days later ship arrived at harbor of Andru's islands. Local villagers greeted heroes warmly but informed them, that master Andru is absent, due to extensive research he conducts. His wife sometimes comes to village to buy food or needed supplies. while speaking of her, master of village, Morg, became fearful and suspicious. He confessed some dark things are happening. She was seen staring at windows of some houses and people living there, especially children, died. Heroes agreed to investigate matter in secret.

Party quickly climbed up hill, to reach the tower. After arriving at top of the hill heroes were immediately attacked by a twisted treant who was hiding between trees. After quick fight he was defeated. Cetus released his pseudo-dragon familiar to look around but she was able to see nothing out of ordinary. Tower was silent and apparently deserted. Door was locked, windows shut and nobody answered from inside. While Ren jumped at top of the roof, Jarod checked windows for traps but forgotten to do it in case of doors. A lightning struck him, while opening locks. Once again he was hit while fumbling with mechanism, but finally opened them. Tower was small but clearly habited. There were rooms like study, kitchen, dining room or bedchamber. Ren was descending from top, while rest party climbed up by stairs. While they were searching room after room, he was attacked by terrible creature, that turned out to be a night hag. She cast a Silence spell, so Ren could not cry for help. Moreover, his hits was apparently not affecting her. Finally party met at top of the tower and defeated villain. In room next to smashed study, the found Andru, binded and starving. He confessed he was betrayed by one, whom he considered true friend, a love of his life, which in true was monster in disguise.

Andru was not able to help with travel to Netheril. He said, he was given a scroll with time Conduit spell as a reward for his help and services for City of Brass. He was longing to go back to "those truly wonderful, but alas, lost times!". Heroes decided to seek a time gate located in Vilhoon Reach and set off.

Behind the Screen
- We have a new player, a Paweł. He chose to play wizard and I'm glad, as he read rules and learned them by the heart. Contrary to former wizard, he was able to learn his spells correctly, choose feats so they were logical and helpful for party. I'm glad to have decent and nice fellow in group.

- The adventure I ran was taken from Castles&Crusades quick start. It was nice, short scenario, that consisted some mysteries, combat and exploration.

- No mistakes in combat!

- I ordered final, printed version of Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiary as well.

Chapter Four: The Sword Coast - Session 32 - Good news from the Sword Coast - part 3

It's been a while since I ran last session, but some personal and professional issues were keeping me from updating blog. Next meeting is planned on August, 7th due to holidays and guys' vacation plans.

Session began with PC's plans on topic, how to depose body. The key factor was how to do it, without alerting high-ranking officials. If the become aware of situation, especially changes in books text, minor librarians would face sever consequences. As always, Bag of Holding came handy and heroes smuggled body out. Young clerks assured they are able to "repair" books. With their help and extensive as well as very fast and productive library search, heroes learned that book "My year of life in Netheril" was written by geographer and cartographer, Andru the Wizard. He was one of many wizards but at some point was able to gather vast hoard of treasure and settled on his own private island.

Meanwhile librarians contacted heroes with Cetus, a sage, researcher and wizard of much renown among academicians, who was looking for company to travel far away from Candlekeep. He proved to be valuable party member and wise person, what came evidently when researching information on Time Gates to Netheril, conditions concerning travel back in time or material components required for casting Time Conduit spell.
All in all, it became obvious, that Andru's island is first step of research, as it was relatively close to Candlekeep.

"Sky Mill" climbed up in air and flew north. Meanwhile heroes dropped body of Cyric's emissary to sea. Two days later ship arrived at harbor of Andru's islands. Local villagers greeted heroes warmly but informed them, that master Andru is absent, due to extensive research he conducts. His wife sometimes comes to village to buy food or needed supplies. while speaking of her, master of village, Morg, became fearful and suspicious. He confessed some dark things are happening. She was seen staring at windows of some houses and people living there, especially children, died. Heroes agreed to investigate matter in secret.

Party quickly climbed up hill, to reach the tower. After arriving at top of the hill heroes were immediately attacked by a twisted treant who was hiding between trees. After quick fight he was defeated. Cetus released his pseudo-dragon familiar to look around but she was able to see nothing out of ordinary. Tower was silent and apparently deserted. Door was locked, windows shut and nobody answered from inside. While Ren jumped at top of the roof, Jarod checked windows for traps but forgotten to do it in case of doors. A lightning struck him, while opening locks. Once again he was hit while fumbling with mechanism, but finally opened them. Tower was small but clearly habited. There were rooms like study, kitchen, dining room or bedchamber. Ren was descending from top, while rest party climbed up by stairs. While they were searching room after room, he was attacked by terrible creature, that turned out to be a night hag. She cast a Silence spell, so Ren could not cry for help. Moreover, his hits was apparently not affecting her. Finally party met at top of the tower and defeated villain. In room next to smashed study, the found Andru, binded and starving. He confessed he was betrayed by one, whom he considered true friend, a love of his life, which in true was monster in disguise.

Andru was not able to help with travel to Netheril. He said, he was given a scroll with time Conduit spell as a reward for his help and services for City of Brass. He was longing to go back to "those truly wonderful, but alas, lost times!". Heroes decided to seek a time gate located in Vilhoon Reach and set off.

Behind the Screen
- We have a new player, a Paweł. He chose to play wizard and I'm glad, as he read rules and learned them by the heart. Contrary to former wizard, he was able to learn his spells correctly, choose feats so they were logical and helpful for party. I'm glad to have decent and nice fellow in group.

- The adventure I ran was taken from Castles&Crusades quick start. It was nice, short scenario, that consisted some mysteries, combat and exploration.

- No mistakes in combat!

- I ordered final, printed version of Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiary as well.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Chapter Four: The Sword Coast - Session 32 - Good news from the Sword Coast - part 2

After defeating Elemental Overlord, heroes saw other outsiders withdraw to their's home plane. The only trace of their existence were rebuild quarry and six gems, that were means to summon earth creature to do it's master bidding.

Heroes returned to Candlekeep and issued report to captain of the Flaming Fist watch. After a conversation about who or what wanted Tower of Knowledge being push down to the sea, part went to search for shipwright to repair damaged hull. The found one and made an agreement, so they were free to explore great libraries. Topics they were concerned with were various and different, ranging from Netheril's history, Karsus endeavors, Spellplague's portents and informations about Abeir. Connal, Jarod, Ren and Avelon with Gorma sat down to discuss research strategy. It was obvious field of work was wide and they had little experience. Most of all, time was running fast, as one can enter libraries only for one tenday a month. At first heroes thought of hiring a scholar, who would be given time for his or hers own research but no trustworthy candidate was chosen. Finally group decided to search for knowledge on it's own.

As it turned out, books were scattered around whole library complex, so the had to work in smaller groups. Avelon researched portents, Gorma and Jarod Netheril's geography, while Connal and Ren concentrated on arcane and planes knowledge. Heroes managed to meet with Bookkeepers and in exchange for help they allowed copy a mysterious scroll, that was able to bring a past to life.

Research was fruitful. Avelon discovered that Spellplauge was supposed to be magical disaster, caused my Mystra's death at hands of Shar and Cyric. Heroes were dreaded but prophecy was so cryptic and unclear, they were not able to learn details. Gorma meanwhile learned with Jarod's help some details of Netherill's geography, nature of floating domains and some other things. Connal and Ren discovered that in fact they are not seeking Karsus but his mentor Iolaum. While Karsus was most powerful of all Netheril's archwizards, it was Iolaum who was considered the wisest one and created most amazing feats of long gone magic arts. It was he, who discovered mythallar, elected first flying enclave, wrote down many spells. Most of all, Iolaum was the longest living human in whole Toril's history.

During the research, heroes learned of other scholars, studying in Candlekeep's library. some of them were researching knowledge connected with party's deeds and interests. among most intriguing were:

Sassuth - Red Wizard of Thay in search of some occult knowledge.
Korvos - a warlord from the North.
Koja - a Tuigan monk-historian, lama from mysterious Red Mountain.
Askeban Grimm - priest of Bane, openly displaying his faith.
Istriel, an an elf on quest for knowledge concerning Nordmen raiding his homeland.
Old  Chestnut - a tree-like druid searching for information about Trees of Life.

It was eight day of course, when Connal discovered his notes and books were different. It was surprising, as he remembered clearly, what has he written previous day. He mentioned it to one of elder library monks but dismissed his saying. Then Ren was approached by one of lesser clerks who demanded to stop inquiries or he  and his coworkers will be punished. He revealed, some books are being changed, their texts altered and warped. Connal and  Ren began look around and soon discovered that meaning of most of them was to make Cyric a great, omnipotent, omnipresent and most revered deity in all world and in all time.
In Candlekeep crime against book is more grievous than treason against human. Punishment is served quickly and without remorse and falls upon both offender and guardian, who let text to suffer. So it was clear that whole intrigue was to be dealt with silence, patience and care.

At first heroes tried to identify "infected books". With whole list, they compiled another list, this time with names of people, who read, burrowed or even flipped them. It provided few names: Avelon, Cyric's servant and priest of Bane among them. Than heroes began to closely watch suspects but were not able to identify offender. It was obvious that process of altering books takes place in night, when no one is allowed to stay there. With a help of clerks, party hid in private reading room and at night emerged to look for a forger.

Indeed, the found him at main desks with hands on two tomes. A dark illumination glowed around them, as he was reshaping history written on their pages. Jarod and Ren allured enemy and assaulted him, while Connal charged. Despite being outnumbered, K was fighting fiercely and once again Connal's healing power saved his friends from death. Cyric's chosen was a fierce and experienced combatant, learned also in ways of backstabbers, so he stand firmly. In the end he was defeated and fallen down, bleeding from wounds, giving his soul to his dark master.

Behind the screen
- Connal reached 13th level of experience.
- Combat was adequate: not too long, not too short. I designed enemy as a "critical striker", but alas, my bad luck with rolls smiled upon me and was not able to inflict more than one hit.
- We will have a new player in group.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Chapter Four: The Sword Coast - Session 31 - Good news from the Sword Coast - part 1

Honestly speaking, I didn't believed we will meet in May, but we managed to catch-up and play. It was fun and good session for me, with few challenges, competitive and moderate combat, brain storming, some role playing and short visit to spa.

We began with little resume of what happened during last session. Guys remembered cooking soup with Storm, heroic child nursing, talk with Elminster, advices they received and of course combat with drow elves. Surprisingly no one mentioned Avelon's channeling that killed Kyril. This is what I call gentleness! Connal raised him from dead that same day and whole company went back to Shadowdale.

Heroes returned to "Sky Mill" and began to ponder, what should the do next. It was obvious, somebody should prepare "plan B" in case their quest fails. After quite long discussion it was decided, that Xandos, Kyril and Rainer will travel to Averwest and begin prepare it's inhabitants to coming disaster. In the meantime Ren, Connal, Jarod and Avelon will search for clues how to stop magical plague and collision between Abeir and Toril. Moreover, a new member of party had to be hired, as only wizard would go with Xandos. something as casting was announced and three participant showed: a maid from Old Skull Inn, "working wizard" travelling upstate and mercenary mage. Of that candidates Gorma Lureshadow was chosen, a s she proved to be capable but lo level wizard and was able to read scroll taken form apes' city, claiming t is able to raise a place out of dead, creating it's shadowy image for one night.

Finishing that task, heroes flown to Baldur's Gate. During journey both Ren and Gorma tried to pilot ship and she became an obvious choice of pilot. After five days of voyage "Sky Mill" landed on river and later anchored at city's harbor. Connal visited Moradin's temple and took part in ceremonial armor smithing. Meanwhile Avelon and Ren went around city, haggling, shopping and eventually drifted to bathhouse, where ordered all the beauty caring oils, bubbles etc. But the best shot belonged to Jarod, who did not know what to do, so cashed his part of treasure and went to gaming house. He returned quite drunk and smiling with large and officially-looking parchment under his belt. Next day it turned out, that he won in a card game a house in Waterdeep, with all household items, land and other items. One lucky night and he acquired wealth, that set a comfortable life for a rest of his life.

Next day heroes said farewell to Xandos, Kyril and Reiner and set sails for Candlekeep. When "Sky Mill" vanished form eyes view, ship climbed hight and headed toward fortress of knowledge. En route heroes saw strange white rocks jutting out of sea. When ship was close a Candlekeep, I read aloud an introduction text from Baldur's Gate and described great library,:gardens and city itself. Before "Sky Mill" landed in harbor, a group of shapes approached. It were five knights, a wizard and cleric, all riding pegasi. The demanded what heroes are doing and what are their business and warned travelers that Candlekeep is under siege. Stubborn heroes decided to land and help guards to defend city. To their surprise the found Candlekeep quiet and peaceful, although some houses were ruined or damaged by strange rock formations.

After paying a fee in form of books, party moved to Flaming Fists headquarters to ask for assignment. The were met captain Hostburn, who explained that for about two months. unusual phenomena took place. At different and odd places rock were jutting from under earth, elementals were roaming the countryside and attacked people and from the east a wave of stones, earth and rocks was approaching, threatening to push city from cliff to sea.

Heroes decided to inspect sea rocks in case a second wave was coming from ocean but their suspicions were false. "Sky Mill" turned around and headed inland, to a quarry, which was nearby. The thought, correctly, that workers were responsible for angering earth spirits. During the travel tehy saw an earth wave slowly moving toward the city and decided that task should be finished as quick as possible. Fortunately, they hoped, the had an experience in dealing with earth spirits.

Upon arrival it was clear, that something was wrong in quarry. Elementals were replacing stones that were quarried and workers were caged in a prison of high, sheer walls. Many of them were dead, apparently. Connal tried to talk with one of elementals but at some moment creature.was possessed and by a powerful earth spirit and attacked him..He escaped and heroes decided to move with force.

Heroes descended and moved through quarry and later softened wall around prisoner. An angry elemental overlord appeared and attacked party. Fight was tough and deadly. During combat Jarod as killed but Connal revived him with Breath of Life spell. Once again Avelon used her negative energy channeling ability, this time with full force, raising once again suspicion toward her power and allegiance. In the end elemental was defeated and crumbled into pile of stones, while rest of his kin returned to home plane of existence.

Behind the screen
- I was totally surprised with an idea of spellcasters casting.
- Final fight went smooth and almost without troubles. But there was one misunderstanding and from that point on, there is no "wait, I should hit, may I still roll the damage" situations. You finished your turn, it is over.
- Jarod was killed for 63 pints of damage and did from massive injuries. It was a critical hit.
- We still look for one or two more players and I invited Ania, a good friend of us. She told me she will consider proposal, so keep the fingers crossed.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Second anniversary

Exactly two years ago I have submitted first note, concerning this campaign. It's a hell of time, when I look back.

We did not know what to think about D&D 3#E.
We did not know about Pathfinder.

But we were keen to play and I was eager to run high fantasy campaign in "from zero to hero" style.

And s here I'm, two years later, with 30 sessions, four chapters under my belt. It was a nice ride and I'm willing to continue it. I have some ideas and some things to show: Netheril, Underdark, perhaps hort trip to another planes and final confrontation with BIG EVIL. Yes, I still plan to build diorama for it and make that final showdown memorably.

There were some issues, but I think we are keeping fine. We still like to meet, throw some jokes and dice, slay some monsters, eat some snacks, loot some treasures and gain another level of experience. Overall, this campaign is very important to me and has become a considerable pillar of my hobby life. Sławek likes to mock me for it in his rants (yes, he's still bitter and constantly accuses me of thievery, internet hacking, double-crossing etc.), but I take it as good omen. If he is so angry, it means I was good Dungeon Master.

I have a few ideas on my mind, I try to experiment with some new tricks, methods of game running, with overpowering game mechanics and day-to-day problems of dungeon Master. There were times, when I was tired, completely deprived out of ideas, without enthusiasm. But those low points go away and I find myself fascinated with my campaign.

Yes, I know, we play rarely, especially in last months. Family obligations, unpredictable events are major factors. What more, I think there are some other factors: game mechanics issue: rules are wearing us down, perhaps after two years my players got used to playing and to world, so it is not as much appealing to them as it used to. But nevertheless, I think we can finish it and have some good memories.

So... We have spent two years in Forgotten Realms. I think we are in a middle of our journey. At first I planned to let the heroes achieve epic destinies and levels 21-30, but I don't know, if we will be able to manage such power in game terms. We shall see.

I'd like to wish my friends and players good luck, many high adventures, exciting sessions, memorable NPCs, fine treasures and worthy foes to defeat. I'd like to play more often with whole group around the table. I'd like to continue.

See you next time!

For some time I'm working on webpage devoted to this campaign and you can found it here.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Chapter Four: Shadowdale - Session 30 - Against the drow

Last session was held on Saturday, April 3rd and we met at Adrian's place. Unfortunately there were only three of us, as Terentz was unable to show due to his commitment's to Star Wars campaign he's involved in too.

Session began with shopping: selling loot, buying new equipment and wandering around the city of Urmlaspyr. First of all heroes set out to find a forge, where the could make an armour of dragonhide. Of three ones available, the magical one was chosen. Although run by wizard not blacksmith, and propelled with fire elemental instead of traditional oven, it was chosen and for a price of 1000gp after four weeks armour was finished. With help of Avelon heroes sold loot and bought some magical items, re-equipped themselves, made visits to their gods' shrines, ate a delicious meal at best tavern and had fun. Also, Ren was stunned with possibility of making shopping at Aurora's store, which he used with delight.

After week and half, "Sky Mill" raised anchor and set sail to open sea. After vanishing from watchers' eyes, ship climbed into air and flew over lands of Sembia and Cormyr into Dalelands. Crossing over deep woods and glimmering rivers, fields full of crops and orchards, flying ship arrived at Shadowdale and mad landing on Mirrorman's lake near watermill. After short introduction to two guardsmen, heroes moved to village. They were shocked with sight of Lathander's Temple in form of huge, glass pink swan, disappointed with Elminster's tower (squat, curved two-storeys tower surrounded by bushy garden). After leaving a letter to wizard in his postbox and short chat with Lhaeo, his servant and secretary, heroes moved to village, where a weekly market and festival was held. An evening of games, drinking and dancing was much priced reward after a long and perilous adventures.

Next day heroes moved to meet Bard of Shadowdale, a famous Storm Silverhand. Her farm was a short walk from centre of village. Lovely house surrounded by trees, flowers and ringing with birdsong, children laugh welcomed them with hawk face of man, sitting on a bench. He greeted heroes and told he will look after wife, "unless she's in Aglarond now". while waiting heroes noted unusual mask on shelf above fire place. Storm returned from garden and welcomed guest, weaving them to kitchen. While preparing chicken soup they chatted about prophecy and Storm advised to seek some answers in Candlekeep. Menwhile she mentioned that if heroes help Lhaeo with some tasks, he will arrange meeting with Elminster.

It turned to be true. In exchanging of garden arrangement, cleaning base of tower and household, appointment was set. Ren spent night in tree form and had a short but pleasant chat with elderly wizard. Next day all PC's met with Elminster, who advised them to seek opinion of greatest of all wizards, long dead by his own actions Karsus. To seek his aid the were to find a portal, leading back in time. Fortunately one was nearby, although it lead to moment 600 years before Karsus' birth. As heroes opted to search for it, Elminster asked them to deliver a book to his friend, a deep gnome hermit.

Heroes poked around Shadowdale for two weeks, awaiting aurora's delivery, but after receiving items (among the others armour of black dragon hide and Bag of Holding) the set out to descend to Underdark. So the wend below and found gnomish hermit tortured by band of drow. fight erupted and despite advantage in numbers, drow were defeated but Kyrils was slain in course of combat, while Avelon unleashed negative energy on her foes, doubling suspicions where her faith actually falls.

Behind the Screen
- Mask and Storm's husband are legacies of campaign ran by me ten years ago. Mask belonged to Adrian's long time running character Gilliand, who was destroyed by Bane during Second Battle of Shadowdale and merged with a waive. Storm's man, Krzywonos, is former character of cool friend of mine, Darek.
- Jarod finally placed his faith in Tymora.
- Fight with band of drow was designed to check, how Pathfinder rules go along with quite large combat with many participants. Result are quite disappointing, as there is many rules to remember, contradicting effects that slow game down.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Chapter Three: Goro Goro Island - Session 29 - Dark beyond part 1 of 1

After Ur, king of the apes was slain, heroes lifted their ship and regrouped. At first the were going to fly away, but alter decided to explore city one more time. Jarod and Ren set out, aided by newly acquired powers of Connal's faith. Their mission was rewarded with some informations: apes lived normally, despite propositions, that demon's essence gave them ability to reason, his disappearance went unseen, at leas it was to early to tell of it's consequences. Ren decided to search library and found some ancient texts and magical scrolls. Meanwhile Jarod found out secret treasure room with throne, two platinum bracelets and mysterious 12 skulls, belonging to elves, humans, apes and dwarf. After some debate, as well as some spells cast, heroes put them into bag.

Ship was lifted out of volcano and set back for returning voyage. Curious about the skulls, heroes tried to activate them, destroy after finding the were vessels of souls and when it turned out to be impossible, they set sails for Togo. Nian was unable to provide answers but was also amused by elven skulls. It almost looked like she recognize them... Finally "Sky Mill" was anchored to Ancient and forgotten city's towers. Heroes descended and soon found first awakened city's inhabitants. They were in poor physical condition, an effect of long sleep and addiction to lotus, but still were working on removing Maggog's insignias and monuments. The greeted PC's with respect and manners and lead them to meet with Lammasu.

A magical creature greeted heroes with warm smile and joy. It introduced them to small flock of awakened ones, described their current situation and doings and invited heroes to small celebration. Before it, PC's decided to check, if Maggog is certainly put to rest. His hiding place was deserted: standing stones and pool disappeared without a trace and only gnawed bones of victims remained.

During feast at base of octagonal tower, Lammasu revealed a gift for heroes. He knew they are good and just people so decided to use his divine powers to reveal future before them. What he learned exceeded his expectations. First of all, he asked heroes what the know about Toril and it's twin world Abeir. He wanted to know, if they met people on Faerun, who visited Averwest. Heroes responded that the the have not, while several people was aware of Averwest existence, there was no one, who personally visited island.

It was because, explained Lammasu, Averwest belonged to Abeir, not Toril. Connal responded that amnish traders erected city and conducted trade with Mastica. Lammasu acknowledged it, marking that heroes arrived in Toril, too. The fact was, Averwest existed in both worlds, was a nexus, a common point between them. Moreover, island was composed of mix of elements belonging to one and other world.
It could explained some strange phenomena and inconsistencies like Nordmen invasions, sudden monster's activity and other.

Second news was a dark vision of future awaiting Toril. In ten to fifteen years a Cataclysm was to fall on world. Magic is going to turn into disease, continents shift, seas rise and mouintains fall down. Abeir was to return and take place of some part of Toril. As Averwest directly in the middle, it was impossible to tell whether it survives or will be destroyed.

Last information was also disturbing. there was someone on Averwest, who was aware of dark future and was taking steps to preserve island as it's own private dominion, protected and cut completely from outside worlds. While it could save many lives, that new heaven could become a hell. Who it was, Lammasu was not able to tell.

Conversation was interrupted by Bale, one of awakened, who openly voiced his disgust for low existence, life full of hardships and rejection of old ways. He got himself involved in dispute with Connal and Ren, but was outwitted and rejected even by his former comrades and finally ran. Feast continued and heroes inquired Lammasu about mysterious skulls the found when it chocked. With a look of surprise on it's face, it stared down on crossbow bolt, that pierced his chest. Bale returned with a weapon and beast to back him up. A huge serpent, the Crawler, followed him. It was a vicious monster, constrictor with poisonous teeth. Quick knife throw of Jaarod disabled Bale, but Crawler attacked. People ran out screaming, while Xandos charged bellowing. Fight was short and vicious, heroes surrounded beast (which smashed Bale). Xandos was able to escape murderous clutches and furiously attacked beast, but once again it was Ren that delivered final blow.
In the meantime, Avelon and Rainer healed Lammasu, for a second time saving his life.

Next day heroes began to prepare to leave. The visited astrologist laboratory, where they found a brass machinery, moving map that showed movement of Goro-Goro and others flying islands. While Ren was opting for taking it on board of "Sky mill" or at least copying it, there was no way to do it. Instead PC's drawn map of island's journey and resupplied ship. They were ready to leave Goro-Goro.

And so, next morning "Sky Mill" raised anchor and flown on to border and fall down, to Toril. With Kyril at helm the safely arrived at Sea of Fallen stars (island was passing over Cormyr). Safely put down, ship set course for Urmalspyr, where heroes were going to sell some loot and re-equip themselves before going to Shadowdale for it's sage advice.

Behind the Courtain
- Jarod gained level.
- The Crawler (A Legendary Sea Serpent) was no match for heroes and hadn't meet expectation for CR 12 monster.
- Finally, after almost two years of playing first mysteries began to solve themselves.
- Adrian called me next day after session to thank me and said he enjoyed it very much. It was so great for me.
- It was second session in that room at Adrian's flat and as well as first one, it was great. I think that minimalistic surrounding enhance concentration on game.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Chapter Three: Goro Goro Island - Session 28 - Land, the time forgot part 6 of 6

Heroes returned to "Sky Mill" and prepared to final part of fighting Maggog. After merging iryllium with a ship, it raised in the air and began journey. It lasted three days, below ship a landscape of savannah passed, great rivers and lakes. Heroes observed huge herds of animals venturing, tribes of humans and lizardmen. Finally a verdant jungle below appeared. Ren and Jarod observed strange flying lizards, while below heroes spotted several hamlets, sacrificial places and tails of some huge animals. After not especially quiet night, the moved up an dormant volcano, that loomed before them, appearing similarly to one, the saw in vision. "Sky Mill" slowly climbed up and finally reached lip of crater. It passed it without troubles, but real danger awaited ahead. To heroes surprise, their ship was hurled down and almost crushed with a wall. Volcano was an empty shell with bed of mists below. With a help of summoned air elemental, it was saved before crash and slowly set down on trees.

As it turned out, heroes arrived to truly lost world: a primordial forest of dinosaurs and plentiful life. Ren, Connal, Jarod, Xandos, Kyril and Avelon decided to scout ahead. Soon the found a plateau with a walled city upon it. The decided to go on and soon, on rice fields the met with city's inhabitants. Grey apes cried with horror and ran to the gate, calling for help. Soon five guards appeared and attacked. fight was fierce and apes were defeated, but more and more were approaching, so heroes withdraw.

Quick debate erupted and heroes decided to spy in a city. Jarod and Ren set out and quickly climbed walls. City was magically lit, full of houses, taverns and paved roads. Outermost ring was inhabited by commoners, middle by noble apes, who were pursuing topics of philosophy, art, science. In the middle of city there was a pagoda serving as throne room of Ape-King Ur, who was incarnation of Maggog's final soulpiece. Jarod was able to spy on him and he learned, he knew of characters and decided to hunt them. Apes turned out to be good and aware guardsmen and quickly found both Ren and Jarod. They were able to escape, but not without difficulties.

Heroes gathered in forest to discuss options. At first the wanted to attack the city, but realised they could not be successful. Later wanted to lure ape-king into a trap but that would mean fighting in natural territory of apes, so they decided to turn the tables.

Upon returning to the "Sky Mill" heroes began to preparations. When they were completed, ship was moved onto plateau and heroes waited. As the expected, ape king came with guard of five elite warriors, all riding raptors. The invaded a ship and final confrontation began. During fight Kyril was forced to jump off a ship, but was caught by plants. Both pirates died at hands of apes, Ren and Xandos were hurled odd the deck but in the end ape-king was slain and finally Maggog's soul banished.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Chapter Three: Goro Goro Island - Session 27 - Land, the time forgot part 5 of 6

We met at Jarecki's place and played without Adrian, who was forced to withdraw due to conflicting obligations. As he was unable to send me a character sheet, I decided he assumed treant form.

Heroes crept up to gnolls' camp, briefly considering storming it but finally opted for returning to dungeon. While the were resting, their flying raft appeared, Avelon came to them as she promised. All aboard they got back to besieged city and met with vampire-queen. After brief discussion, the all decided it is time to read scroll and face mysterious overlord of an army.

Next day group gathered near gate and was about to to activate a scroll, when a noise exploded from gonlls' camp. Curious and intrigued, heroes summoned their raft and ascended. Quickly it became clear, that shamans of the army are constructing magical ramps of stone shaped earth, that will lead invaders over the walls. Xandos and Jarod fired volley of arrow, while Kyril smashed enemies with a fiery fireball. Gnolls' archers answered with their own missiles, hitting Avelon. Girl was pierced directly between breasts with an poisoned arrow. . Thanks to Connal's healing powers, she was saved and cured. Reluctantly she agreed to follow group with their quest.

Kyril read the scroll, noting that it's a beautiful script. When he finished spelling, a blue bubble of light appeared and heroes entered portal. On the opposite side they found forest and mountains. It was quite strange landscape, as it was more belonging to northern ecosphere, than tropical one the were accustomed on island. Xandos found some tracks leading either from lake (it could be seen between trees) to rocks or the opposite. Heroes chose to follow them a and went up to mountains. Soon their pat was blocked by rocks and trails were cut. Jarod climbed up and was able to take a look. Obviously portal lead them into mountains that circled swampy lake. Above it was hanging a heavy fog, obscuring sky and sun alike.

Heroes turned and went down this time, finally arriving at lake's shore. Surface was dotted with small grass patches, stones and in the middle of it there was an island visible with a few trees and mound. While they were poking around, something moved underwater and wave of acid goo hit some of them. Deciding it is best to get to an island, heroes began to jump from one patch to other, while Ren (still in treant form) entered the swamp. Just when he and Xandos and Connal on his branches got to an island, an enemy presented itself. With deafening roar of anger, covered in mud and filth, a monster apperaed. Instantly it was hit by Kyril's fireball but obviously his spell was not able to harm monster. Burned mud fell off, unveiling glossy black dragon! It was beast of nightmares with vicious horns, hooks, burning red eyes, even more terryfing than normal wyrm. Jarod and Avelon were scarred but managed to keep up and they did all they could but greatest burden fell on Xandos shoulders. He was fighting like true highlander, backed by Connal's healing powers, aided by Jarod's flanking maneuvers and Ren's treeman strength. Dragon turned out to be host of second part of Maggog's soul and driving force behind gnoll's invasion. Beast fought fierceand was tough opponent, but finally heroes managed to slay the beast and claim it's treasures.

On the wall in it's cave there were strange, unfinished carvings and magical mirror, While heroes searched lair for treasures, Xandos and Kyril skinned and butchered dragon's corpse.

Defeating gnolls' overlord was one thing but dealing with them was other. After activating it became obvious that gnolls were back at work, trying to reach city walls. Connal came wit an interesting idea: he cast "Wind Walk" spell on himself and passed through mirror with dragon's skull in hand. He shouted boldly "I'm your god, I slayed your master and now bow to me!" Effects of his statement hit gnolls directly and horde fell on the knees. At his orders and under influence of his rhetorics, they turned back instantly and marched into mountains. Connal chose one of shamans and ordered him to stay. At first he was trying to persuade him or got him replaced by plannar ally, but vampire queen got other idea. Using her mind-control powers she dominated him and sent back to join his people. And so new gnolls' culture were born.

Feast and celebration followed and after five days of festival heroes decided to go back to "Sky Mill". They were keen to go home as well as to find third and final piece of demon's soul. Back at ship they installed metal into ship body, while Mystra's priest finally cast spell that preserved microclimate on ship.

Behind the Courtain
Xandos advanced on 10th level of experience.
Jarod advanced on 9 th level of experience.
I was quite surprised with Jarecki's and Terentz cheers, when it turned out it was dragon they faced.
As usual, an unexpected idea appeared, this time in form of manipulating gnoll's army.
I was prepared for option, heroes will be willing to deal with siege first.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Chapter Three: Goro Goro Island - Session 26 - Land, the time forgot part 4 of 6

Last session was held on January 6th and complete crew was present. Once again players surprised me, proving that each RPG session is new experience and event of its own.

We bagan play where we finished last session. Heroes searched room expedition was searching only to find some valuables beside corpses (most of their possessions were destroyed in blast of fireball and flamestrike). Major feature of the room were three blank, anonymous sarcophagi. Most left slab was moved beside and inside of grave heroes found mummified corpse. It was strange one indeed, as it was about human size with clawed hands and long jaws, full of sharp teeth. there were no signs of trauma on bodies and no tracks of violence or escape. Search for additional clues proved nothing, so the heroes began to explore dungeon.

Next room turned out to be real challenge. As Xandos smashed doors, he felt a heavy gaze upon him and he turned to stone. Next was Jarod who as a first one faced a basilisk hidden inside room. Fight erupted and with help of Kyril's fireballs monster and two of it's kind were defeated. Heroes took some rests so Connal could exchange his spells and next morning reversed pertrfication effects. In the meantime Avelon was sent back to halfling's town. Whit sundown near, Jarod sneaked to gnoll's rear camp. He found there two shamans and general's guard. He was also able to sneak inside warlord's tent where he found a barbarian's throne. While searching tent, he heard commanding voice from behind. He turned around to find a magical mirror in which a dark figure loomed. It screamed and demanded response form "Rarg", finally hissing, that "city won't be burned, until search is complete".

Jarod returned to his companions and gave a report. Group resumed their search, finding prison, kitchen, private chambers and burial grounds. some rooms were filled with trash, other sunken. During exploration heroes defeated several undead, huge scorpions and other monsters. They decided to cover up some tracks and hidden mummified bodies of ratmen or wererats, as the thought of them. Finally heroes entered a small, prison-like chamber, where the found a strange creature. It had a body of lion, wings of eagle and head of human bearded sage. Lammasu explained that it was imprisoned here long ago by a neither living nor dead evil wizard. It was chained to the ground with magical chain robbing him of his powers. Lammasu was not able to break it but Xandos did it without effort. Freed creature thanked gently and asked, how it can repay debt. Heroes told it of besieged city and black lotus plague. As Lammasu was creature of advise and healing, it promised to help.

Behind the Courtain
Jarod advanced on 8th level of experience.
Connal advanced on 10th level of experience.
Xandos advanced on 9th level of experience.

I was expecting heroes will use scroll of teleportation to head up to main mastermind behind invasion but the chose differently :-)

Players surprised me with returning to case of Black Lotus addiction.