Monday, 8 December 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 06 - Fright at Tristor part 3 of 3

It was long time, since I post last note, as well quite a while since we played. Well, last session was fun for all (including even me) except for Terentz, who was bored out of his mind. If Adrian had not been late for 2 hours we would play together but it went all wrong. Never mind.
As a side note, I laminated several sheets of graph paper and used markers to draw situation plan. Experiment went quite good and helped to visualize combat around the Buren's farm.

The session began when Connal and Ren went back to Burren's farm and hide between bushes. Heavy mists arose from ground(I almost typed it "Mist" :-) ) blocking a line of sight, so heroes moved little closer. when they set up, they heard a roar from the nearby woods and out of fog terrible beast appeared. It was huge and muscular, with glowing eyes, blurred frame, thick plates, spikes, fangs and steel claws. It charged a house and met with Ren at the door. Combat erupted and brave monk was levelled down with fierce blows and (as it turned out later) treacherous poison. Connal rushed to friend's aid and with few well placed blows of his and spiritual hammer, chased beast to the woods. With the fog finally lifted, the were invited inside, where spent night at watch and rest. Following morning the set off Tristor to, only meet on he road mother in fear. Poor woman begged them to find, where her's little daughter is. Brave two agreed and began investigation. Following tracks and stream, the found child's shoe. After a short search the discovered a small cave, where bear lived. To their surprise animal has adopted little girl as her own cub. Little child thought it is quite fun to have bear of her own. Finally, she agreed to go home and set off with heroes. Poor bear stood motionless and moaned softly, as the retreated. After returning girl to home, Connal warned villagers of bear and asked them to treat animal kind.

It was all clear to the heroes, that happenings of late had something in common with hanging of rueni vagabond, twenty years earlier. Not knowing, who might be next target, they set off to find some clues. Alas, the found one in the butchered carcass of Tristor's Most Dangerous hunter. It was clear, he followed beast-bear and fell pray to stabbing knife. Connal and Ren decided to pay a visit to local witch. she was polite and charming but refused their help. Instead, she directed heroes to her friend, a local hermit. His cave was far away in woods, but Connal and Ren decided to take a look. What the found, was much different to their expectations.

Bolt from a crossbow was warning, that current inhabitant of cave does not welcome uninvited guest. Bear charged them but other bolts went off. After a short combat and chase, Connal captured tormentor of Tristor. Fright at Tristor was over. Or wasn't it?

With a prisoner captured, Connal sent for help and Helm's priest, who would rule the trial. In response an Blessed Aristoi with unit of 10 knights appeared. Trial lasted for three days of in-septh testimonies and was ended wit "guilty" verdict. As it turned out, twenty years earlier group of Riuvanni vagabounds were travelling in this area. The sold an fake potions of haling and went on. But, some of the imbibers were found dead. To enraged locals it was clear the died from mixture sold by strangers, not self-made alcohol. The chased the group, beaten everybody to bloody pulp, and hanged at Tristor's execution Tree. Only one boy was spared, to show him "mercy of Helm". Many years later, he came to seek revenge. Aristoi sentenced him to death, what boy took with bold laughter. After that, a severe and harsh judge sentenced to death all those, who arranged lynch. Connal and Ren head back to Appleshade.

In the meantime Xandos tried to rise puppies and teach them some human rules. He learned of pack structure and tried take leader's place. Without success. Not wanting to drown animals, he set off to find druid Hieronymus. One night, when camping in forest, wolves asked him to free them. After short argument and promising the won't hurt people, Xandos freed animals and watched them to disappear in the gloom and then turned around and head back home.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 05 - Fright at Tristor part 2 of 3

On November 2nd we had another session. In the meantime we played on one ocassion but there were too many topics and too little roleplaying, to consider it a full game session.

Ren and Connal arrived at Tristor along with their new found friends. During travel they stumbled upon an old and sinister looking tree. It was a hangman tree, as old man said, but it's been long time, since last criminal was hanged there.

At Tristor they were reluctantly welcomed at protegee's house. Fed with dinner and given bath, Ren and Connal slept well. Next day they went to the city. Visisting inn they leaned few details about winter wolves. Innkeeper turned to be an ex-mercenary, hailing from Icewind Dale. Small talk at local shop turned up, that shopkeeper was quite Helm fanatic, claiming "wrong believers are to blame for recent disasters and anima slaughtering". Local blacksmith was able to repair Connal's armour. When the brace two was to take it back, they caught signs of tumult, at the town's gates. As it turned out, it was a boy on horse, who came to Tristor for help,because his family was brutally attacked. Instantly joining ranks of town guards, Ren and Connal set off to find out, what is happening.

After a long trip through dark forest, heroes cam upon an farmhouse. All was unnatural quiet and peaceful. Short investigation revealed some curious clues: main house was abandoned, barn burned out, livestock slaughtered and inhabitants missing. Not sure what to do, Ren and Connal stayed in house. In the small hours heroes heard an explosion, sound was coming from woods. Next morning they found bear's tracks and steel claw. Following tracks, Ren and Connal found path worming through woods and small glade with and lake. On the shore they found bodies of two adults, while in the water children's corpses was floating.

Following tracks deeper into woods, heroes came upon another farmstead, also burnt, with it's inhabitants slain and deep crater in the middle of yard. Here were also tracks of human and bear. Another bodies proved, that this attack was also successful. Curious thing, tracks disappeared at the base of the hill.

Heroes decided to head back. On the way they meet a local hunter, who mocked and threatened them and beside the hangman tree the found fresh flowers. Before they had a chance to investigate this mystery, they overheard moaning from bushes. As it turned out, it was Constable Parsons, beaten and dying from wounds. Connal invoked power of Moradin and healed him, s along with Ren, they rushed wounded to Tristor. From his malign whispering the learned, that Bosko farm is in danger. After delivering wounded to healer, the ran to farm. Goodman Bosko was reluctant to talk and did not want help, so heroes decided to watch over farm from hiding.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 04 - Fright at Tristor part 1 of 3

Session was held as expected, on August 16th. Unfortunately, due to family obligations, Terentz was unable to show up. Weather was very climatic but would better fit to Ravenloft session, as we experienced violent storm, thunder and lightnings with torrents of heavy rain.

Adventure began from short synopsis of happened before. After resume, PC decided to split party. Xandos and Andala gathered winter wolf's puppies and set off to Appleshade. Idea was to present them to Xandos' father who will decide, if their peaceful upbringing is possible. In the meantime, Connal and Ren decide to travel to Tristor, a town in trouble, that was mentioned by Steeplefall's mayor.

Before leaving, the brave two opted for one day of rest to gather strength and rearranging supplies. The tried to find some informations about religion and historical topics (including strange sect of elves, that lived here). Quest for knowledge turned out to be fruitless and next day heroes set of to face real dangers and troubles.

The found them two days later at corner of the forest road, where a couple of village commoners were attacked by an monostrosity. Beast turned out to be starving owlbear. After short and vicious fight, attacker was slain. Grateful peasants thanked heroes and invited them to their house. During conversation, Connal and Ren learned that girl and her grandfather were intending to leave farm,a s cattle was slaughtered by mysterious monster. No one hear it coming and only marks of bite were left behind as a trail. Fearing evil sorcery, the decided to find shelter in nearby town Tristor.

After meal and quick investigation, heroes prepared to guard and rest on ground level, while house inhabitants on the first floor. In the dead of the night a cat appeared, whose hiss warned Connal of incoming troubles. With savage roar and brutal force, a group of grin-skinned, horned and armed with assaulters broke into the house. A bloody and vicious fight erupted. Fighting two against the four, defending back to back, Connal and Ren was able to slain night-intruders, who turned out to be orcs.

Next day, all four travelled to Tristor. Passage was relatively peaceful and uneventful. Only passing by an old gallow tree was very unpleasant sensation. Voyage ended in house of grandfather's relative house (a family renowned for making cheese) with dinner and bath.

Fights gave result of level advancing and loot. As usual there were to many off-topics but always pleasant and entertaining. Sitting players at table (instead of letting them disperse around a room) was a good move, they were more focus and cooperative with each other.

Due to my family plans and vacations, next term was not specified. I will set it upon return from holiday.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 03 - Small Beginnings part 3 of 3 and Night of the Straw Men

Session began with the reminder of the last adventure. After short conclusion, PC began arguing about the fate of Winter Wolf's puppies. Subduing the bravest of them, Xandos gathered little animals in cave and blocked path out of it with a branch.

Party returned to Master Aurelius and informed him about Maya's fate. Also they asked him about his inquires in local area and mysterious ruins nearby. The were quite surprised, when he told, he was working on history of small elven community and cult, believing in uniting elven race. Meantime Xandos returned and gathered puppies.

Packing his belongings and providing them to invisible servants, whole group left for Steeplefalls. Although locals were concerned about tragedy on lake's shore, it seemed nothing can disturb the festival. PC's were quite surprised that village's main priest left, to tend over dry fields.

When the sun set down, feast began. On the wooden platform sat mayor and junior priest, Letru, before them on square people danced, drank beer and had fun. Ren and Xandos were picking girls, Connal and Andala danced. Nobody saw, what bas about to happen.

It was before midnight when something strange occurred. At first people thought it's pat of the fest, but weave of fear spread across square. strange, hooded and caped figure crossed place and climbed up the stairs. Announcing "The bigger is sin, the bigger scarecrows comes after sinner!" it threw hat away and blazed with fire from eyes cut out of huge pumpkin. With this words scarecrow jumped at Letru and broke his spine with one mighty blow.

Terrified people screamed and ran. Panic broke up. Ren was first to join the fight, and first to feel wrath of scarecrow. Although he was joined with Connal and Xandos (all fighting improvised weapons), he was severely beaten. With a luck and preservance, Xandos and Connal defeated scarecrow, which collapsed.

Immediately a messenger was sent to Monastery, to get help. Cleric was able to stabilize Ren,but Letru's wounds were to serious to heal him completely. Shadow of death withdrew but left him paralysed.

Next morning began with more healing and investigation. Xandos inspected fields and was assured that one of the scarecrows were missing. Neither field's owner, nor owner of the wagon, where scarecrow was hiding knew anything useful.

Meantime mayor told Connal about troubles in the city of Tristor, priest of Chantea returned only to be more concerned with strange happenings of the last night. session ended with plans for immediate future.

Next session is planned for August 16th.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 02 - Small Beginnings part 2 of 3

Fortunately, this session was played with full party squad, although began later than we expected and lasted much longer. It was tough but very fun night.

Following unfinished execution, Ren was asked by Connall, if he can bring his armour from home. He rode to the Appleshade, passing strange fellow on the road. He suspected, it was poacher, who set traps in Hieronim's Groove. Coming back to town and managing some issues, he enlisted Xandor on adventure and next day travelled back to Monastery of Sigil, an cloister under auspicies of Gond and Azuth.

In the meantime, Connal and Andala set off to the same monastery. During slow trek through the countryside and hills, the came upon sealed entrance in the hillside. Runes that marked it, were connected to Myrkul, now deceased God of Death and Dead. With shrug of fear and uncomfortable feeling, they moved on to the Monastery. After warm welcome they waited for Ren, who showed up with Xandor.

Party in complete, PC's set off to find Master Aurelius, wizard whom the were to deliver a book. Due to informations acquired from monks, he was camping on the opposite shore of Ice Crystal Lake.

After short search, heroes found glade with big tent and fireplace in the middle. It turned out, that it was wizard's camp. Inside tent were bed, drawer and bookshelf and two chairs. Curious thing, inside tent they could not hear anything from outside. Unfortunately, there were no sign of mage around. With extensive search and tracking, Xandor found burned fragments of paper and than mauled body of unknown male. As they suspected, it was Aurelius. Nearby to the site, Xandor came on fragment of frozen earth. His suspicions were magnified, when during search for herbs,he began feeling cold. Temperature in some parts of the forest was significantly decreasing, to the frozen level.

With curing spells and fish soup, Andala and Connal nursed Aurelius, who began hallucinating about Maya, his assistant and disciple. Putting this facts together, as well as spotting, that during night something was spying them, party was convicted that something awry and strange is going on. Next day the decided to investigate frost sphere and it's influence. Trail of cold and frozen earth lead them to small canyon. Before reaching it's end, from nearby bushes erupted cone of frozen earth and after it, savage wolf attacked PC. Fight that erupted was brutal and tough. Xandor almost lost his life, Andala decided to retreat but despite these drawbacks, white wolf was slain. It's dying breath were two words, surprisingly spoken in common language: "my children...".

Session ended with discovery of seven cubs in hole and argument over their fate.

Monday, 23 June 2008

Chapter One: Averwest - Session 01 - Small beginnings part 1 of 3

Yesterday we had a first session in campaign. Unfortunately, Terentz was unable to show up due to family issues. We wish him best luck and hope, he will be present next time. Especially for him we'll move term to Saturdays, about 8PM.

Adventure began with a journey. Group, consisting of Ren, Connal, and Andala set off to find a wizard, camping nearby Ice Crystal Lake. As the road wormed through fields of wheat, was dry and sandy, they decided to change course a little and cross small woods, called Hieronim's Groove*. Forest was familiar to them, as they visited it in childhood, searching for mushrooms, wild berries and herbs. Before sundown young trio found a clearing in wood, which suited their camping needs. Unusual feature of glade was small source of always fresh and cold water and two meter high rock sitting above it. While Connal was searching for wood to light the fire, Andala was looking for herbs and Ren was preparing bedrolls. Trio spent whole evening eating, drinking hot tea, talking small talk and enjoying calm, warm summer night.

First watch (Ren's) went relatively peaceful. On the second one (Connal's) he began hearing strange noises coming out of woods. Intrigued he tried to examine them, but fall painfully, stumbling on roots. Whole group awakened and began searching source of noise. As it turned out, squawking and bleating was coming not from river's banks but from small ravine, shielded by old, thick trees. Trio entered it and found a strange, horned creature hiding inside it. Ren was sure it's trap, so he stayed back, hidden and on guard. Connal and Andala crept forward, only to find out small stag, trapped in snares. Poor animal had been terrified and almost bled to death, but with Moradin's healing magic was cured. After short struggle, Ren and Connal managed to open snare's jaws and free animal. Freed of trap and fed with carrots, it followed them to camp, where Connal cleared stag's wounds and fed it with more vegetables.

Soon after party moved on. Small stag left them at forest's border and trio set back on road. Soon the approached Ulsen's Rock**. Before the reached, they found a horse, grazing beside the road. Quick inspection provided some interesting informations: animal apparently belonged to courier of Donal's Arrow messaging company, in it's travelling bags were hidden three sealed letters. Charging Andala with task of guarding horse, Connal and Ren went to look for missing courier. On fields beside the Rock they saw pack of lambs. Wounding it's way through rock, the were shouting for courier. To their surprise, it was not a human that responded, but three metres tall brute, shouting: "Thieves! Sheep-stealers!", charging upon them and swinging heavy club. Fight that erupted was quick and brutal. It outcome was beaten ogre, lying senseless on ground and few bruises on Ren's and Connal's bodies. The main problem was a grim discovery in in ogre's lair. In surprisingly well maintained camp the found chopped and half cooked courier's body...

Faced with such problem and unwilling to deal swift justice by own hands, Connal and Ren decided, than the latter one will travel to nearby village, to alert local authorities. Ren jumped on horse and sped to Steeplefall. At first he was greeted with suspicions (after all he was riding horse, that belonged to courier, last seen two days ago). After quick explanations, there was a large group assembled that set off to Ulsen's Rocks, to bring an ogre to town. Meanwhile Connal found hidden cache with ogre's armour, little amount of cash (7gp, 23 sp and 68 cp).

Back in town, with ogre thrown to cellar under a storage, whole company took rest in tavern. Next day began from constructing gallows's pole. As the whole town prepared for The Night of Straw Men holiday, execution was seen as a additional attraction. When ogre had been finally pulled out of jail, he was cowering, crying and begging for mercy. Apparently poor creature knew what fate it was facing... It's fear and despair must moved not only Connal and Ren, but also Mayor Olbred and Chauntea's priest Leiru and sowed a seed of doubt in their hearts. After quick interrogation, they learned ogre was attacked by courier and defended it's stock of sheep. Taught to eat human meat by the Zhentarim, with whom he served as a mercenary, he prepared meal but otherwise meant no harm to humans. All ogre wanted, was to live peacefully and tending his sheep. Taking those facts under consideration, mayor and priest decided to spare creature's life. He was ordered to serve as a grinder operator in nearby watermill. He'd work there and generate income, so would be able to buy out sheep he stole and than set free, when the time is right.
With this matter settled, session ended.

PC solved two Encounter Level 1 quests and one Encounter Level 4 quest, were additionally rewarded for creative and good role playing, so accumulated enough xp to advance 2nd level.

* Hieronim's Grove - was called after the name of druid, that protected small wood. He was an old man in times of PC's parents youth, so is believed to be dead. Some say he never existed. Truth is far from that.

** Ulsen's Rock was called after a band of brigands and highwaymen that made home inside it's cavern's. They were put to sword long ago.

Next session is planned on July 5th.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Date Cancellation

Unfortunately, due to Adrian's illness we were forced to cancel today's session.
Next term is June, 22nd. I hope will be able to play in full company.
Although I'm little disappointed, certainly I can live with moving session to next week. After all, it's just the game.

On the other hand, I must admit I'm very glad we managed to get together and start the show. What surprises me most is that I'm so glad with choosing Forgotten Realms setting. In my past I held it very low and treated as "not logical, magical overpowered, childish world". Now I think of it as a high fantasy, adventure oriented setting. All for fun, being heroes and having good time, not recreating reality. Isn't it, what RPG was made for?

Monday, 2 June 2008


Nobody can tell exactly, when it all began. Moreover no one was able to see the signs. Omens and portents were ignored, so everyone were ignorant of events, that were put in motion.

For our brave soon-to-be heroes, it all began with a hard work.
Summer of 1370DR was hot and sunny. Sporadic storms troubled the skies, but despite them fields were full of crops, cattle pregnant with young and giving milk. In gardens and orchards fruits were ready to ripe, in cellars wine was maturating and woods were full of game. People knew, they are blessed, so prayed and thanked gods, smiled upon each other and were enjoyed fine weather. Later it was well known, than many marriages were taken across all island. It was fine and prosperous time...

After a summer came autumn: full of golden leaves, apples and preparation for winter. Few months of it passed quickly and first snows fall upon town's roofs with a chilling cold. At first, people enjoyed it, making snowmen, skiing and playing with snow, but later got tired of it. Day by day, it was becoming colder and colder. Skies were filled with heavy, dark clouds and snow was falling without stop. By the midwinter, it was so thick, that dwarf could hide in it without much effort or crouching. First day of Year of the Tankard (1371DR) was dark and short.

People of the Appleshade are no stupid folk, so they knew that it was time to work. With spring, mass of molten snow will come downward, along the riverbed and soon water will flood their fields and houses. They began to construct barriers along the banks but it soon become known that it was not enough. As predicted, high water came and although it did not flood over fields, it washed away big portion of town's square, leaving a shallow and muddy pit in place of clobberstones.

After seeing damage done, and repairing as much as possible, some folk (Connal among them) were sent to local quarry to buy new clobberstones. Upon their return people whole town began to rebuild square. Few days before finishing it, Ren came back to village from a monastery and joined workers. Partly for fun, he designed and made a mandalla of purification.

With a town square finished, mayor, Yoram, announced celebrations and feast. By the evening new square was filled with tables and podium. People brought food and drinks, lighted lanterns upon nearby roofs and candles floating on boats, they ate and during, singed and danced. During feast, Ren, Connal and Andala were approached by local herbalist and healer, Agrein Farwood, who asked them, if they do a small favour for him. He told them, he would require them to travel few days upward the river, to deliver a small package to his friend. He was not able to do so, 'cause duties in town and, which he admitted, bit of laziness. The trio gladly accepted and made an appointment on next day.

Celebration ended with first light of dawn. People slept even up to midday, so Connal and Ren were late for meeting. Despite that, sitting over cookies and milk, they were presented with a heavy book and instructions to go to Ice Crystal Lake, to search herbalist's friend, a wizard of some renown. In exchange for a book, magician was to give them some rare herbs for town's healer.

So, acquiring provisions of food and water, Connal, Ren and Andala set out to their first adventure...

Next session is planed on June, 14th.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Preparation, part 2 of 2

Yesterday we met for a second time, to discuss characters, their home town and previous adventures, as well as connections. I must admit, I really enjoyed brainstorming and completely lost track of time. I was having great time, despite being tired and in bad mood due to "real and ordinary life" difficulties.

Unfortunately, Terentz was absent, so we managed to get only two thirds of their group story. He will quite surprised, finding he's adventuring along with his uncle. Adrian and Jarecki modified their characters, shifting skill points, characteristic scores and switching feats, and then managed to spin interesting and not-trivial story. But, let's keep things and order.

First of all, I'd like to introduce PCs. For now there are three of them:
Conal Ymirsson (played by Jarecki) is a dwarf priest of Moradin. Prodigy of Thunderblessing, he along with his twin brother Vanir and younger sister Alanda are children of town's blacksmith. Retired adventurer, skilled artisan and good fellow, he educated kids but when time came to let them out of family nest, watched it bleeding heart. Vanir left home first, pursuing wizard career under a guidance of mysterious amnish wizard in city of Crax-Saladan. What surprised Conal was that his sister began showing signs of following Vanir steps. Could it be possible, that one dwarf family produced three spellcasters and no warrior? Strange times, indeed.

Ren Howl (played by Adrian) was always troublesome young lad. From the very beginning, he was somehow connected to arcane teachings and energies, which seemed to flow in his veins. Hies father, whom history is shrouded in mystery, came to Appleshade long time ago and met a nice, but little odd, girl. When she became pregnant with Ren's sister, father bought some land, build hosue and became ordinary farmer. soon people took him as one of their own and forgave even that, his wife often disappeared in woods for a days "in search of rare herbs". But when Ren was born, gossips began to fly. "Who is real father?" inquired goodwives. Ren grown up and became troublesome youth, who was sent to monastery in mountains to find his star, destiny and discipline. Although he missed first two things, he acquired the tird. Now, he came back to visit his parents and friends.

For now, we know very little about Xandar Skullhammer (played by Terentz) but I hope it will soon changes.

Vanir, Alanda, Conal, Ren and Xandar always knew, the want become adventurers. They were like gang, always protecting each others backs (like in case of burned barn) or working together like rescuing cows, stolen by goblins in a dead of winter. When Vanir left to learn magic, rest of pack was sure, they have to move on the road. They didn't know, that opportunity was waiting just behind the corner.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

The Preparation, part 1 of 2

Today we are beginning a new campaign. I hope it will turn into something great and fun for every one of us.

My group consist three players and me, Dungeon Master. Each and everyone is seasoned player, we all began our role-playing experience long ago, in times of second edition's full bloom. Yes, we were avid AD&D fans and switching to D&D 3rd Editions was quite difficult for us. Perhaps, if we had more time to learn and play it, we'd love it. But now, on eve of 4th edition, we try to start new campaign.

We had a lengthy and honest conversation. A lot of games and ideas were spoiled in the past, as campaigns crumbled to dust due to some internal arguments, personal issues and lack of motivation. I made known my mind: I don't like "munchkinism", I don't want players to search each and everyone handbook to get "another +1 bonus", and finally I don't want outside-of-play brainstorming. This campaign is meant to be fun for me and for them. We have too much shit in our ordinary lives. There is too many problems, difficulties and too many our hopes has perished. We play to have fun, to be heroes, to achieve something, we didn't in live. Perhaps, we play to achieve katharsis. So, we are going to be heroes, to do epic stuff, to become legends of our time.

For these reasons I chose Forgotten Realms. I'm a long time Ravenloft fan and Dark Sun enthusiast. Unfortunately, these settings are too much harsh to be scene for true heroes, so Toril became obvious choice. There was a time, when I considered it one-dimensional, unreasonable and silly setting. Now I see it as high fantasy, epic and glamour world. It's not the logic that rules Toril, it's the goal of living high adventure.

My party consists of three players, at least for now. I'd like to induce to more, but we have troubles with candidates. "Real adult life" sidelined some of our obvious choices. Old comrades got married and became parents, other moved abroad yet another severed links to us.

In alphabetic order they are:
Adrian - my long time friend, we had ups and downs, but despite this still like each other (I hope) and like play with each other. Adrian was great Greyhawk DM and always has some cool but sometimes weird ideas. As a matter of fact, he's volcano of ideas.

Jarecki is one of my true friends. I cannot express it in words. I like play with him, he always got strong points to make, thinks logically and builds interesting PCs. I remember Fading Suns campaign ran by him, which consisted a good proportions of combat, puzzles, role-playing and suspense. Most of all, he proved, that this system and setting were playable.

Last but no least is Terentz. Another cool friend of mine and long-running AD&D Forgotten Realms DM. We called his campaign "animalistic AD&D", because of style of our play, which was very munchcinist. Eventually, due to internal issues, campaign broke up, which we always regretted.

Gathering my friends and stating what I had in mind, I let them speak freely. Ideas flown fluently and they began to creating PC. This process took a lot of time and we finished it on second session, planed on May, 31st.